在奉行朋党资本主义(严格的说,是朋党资本主义与国家资本主义的混合体)的马来西亚,又是另一番境况。政府通过巧立名目的“私营化”计划,让朋党垄断公用事业和其他不少行业,培养寻租的沃土。此外,政府财政连年赤字,通过不断给臃肿不堪的公务员大军调薪、向特定平民群体输送利益等等,一方面巩固政治支持,另一方面人为“提高”国民收入,刺激国内需求,并大征“铸币税”(seigniorage; 又称通胀税inflation tax),藉以减轻债务负担。朋党资本主义(又称权贵资本主义)是最坏的一种资本主义,具有资本主义的剥削本质,却无资本主义应有的效率。在这个制度下,劳动阶级被分化,社会严重不公。
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“占领华尔街” |
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“占领中环” |
在体制层面,世界上已没有纯资本主义或纯社会主义经济,只有混合经济。所以,今天的问题不是“姓资或姓社”,而是“偏资或偏社”,分别被笼统地称为资本主义制度和社会主义制度。制度里属于资本主义那部分代表竞争与效率,属于社会主义那部分就代表平衡与公正。由于两种制度已变成你中有我、我中有你,要摈弃任何一方都不容易。平心而论,资本主义也不是一无是处,至少它能够通过竞争提高效率,不妨作为一种“必要之恶”加以利用。所以,理性的选择不应该是打倒资本主义,而是控制资本主义。换句话说,就是减少政治经济制度中的资本主义成分,并相对增加社会主义成分,建立社会主义市场经济(但不是中国那一套披着“社会主义市场经济”外衣的资本主义计划经济),以社会主义为体、资本主义为用,力求打破资本主义下“繁荣与萧条交替”(boom-and-bust cycle) 的怪圈。各国内部的具体做法应包括增加高收入阶级和企业的税务(如“占领华尔街”运动所提出的向富人征收“巴菲特税”)、向金融投机活动征税、对奢侈品和高档住宅抽重税、减轻低收入阶级税负、给财政赤字设限、增加公共产品与服务的供应和补贴、由国家资助社会服务以弥补企业投资降低所造成的就业缺口、由国家出资建设社会安全网等等。值得一提的是,有一种迷思以为“国有化”(或公有制)就属于社会主义。前苏联号称“社会主义”国家,却被许多社会主义者揭发为实行国家资本主义制度,简言之就是国家取代资本家成了劳动阶级的剥削者。在资本主义的芸芸定义中,就有一条把它解释为“一种由资本积累支配的制度,不论法律上的所有权”。再看看今天的马来西亚和中国,国有和国营企业多如牛毛,却与社会主义无关,只是权贵垄断市场,通过国家资本主义剥削普罗大众的寻租工具。
ReplyDeleteMy personal thoughts, you can blame the current crisis on Crony capitalism, socialism or fascism. But you cannot blame the crisis on capitalism. If the world economy is function in capitalism (let the market to function), there will be no bail out, no speculation on commodities and currency.
ReplyDeleteYes. This is my first time leave a comment on your blog. I saw your article in Malaysiakini. I have different set of opinion, that's the reason I leave my comments. Hopefully you don't mind.
TW, 本部落格接受匿名者留言,欢迎大家留言!有自己的意见是好的,对错是其次。
ReplyDeleteThanks. Here are my thoughts.
Commodities and currency speculation are free market phenomenon. However, they are not necessary a bad thing. Why? For example, for a commodity pricing, not all speculators will have the same outlook at the same time. Some will be bullish but some will be pessimistic on the outlook and they will buy or short(sell) in the market respectively. This action actually correct the pricing to market equilibrium.
So, why right now all assets classes pricing- properties, stocks, commodities and bonds go up at the same time? To answer this question, I think we must look at the fundamental. Yes, you are right, human is greedy. But human is also fearful of loss. It is the fearful of loss that control our greedy behavior. So, if you minimize the fear of loss, you will get all the riskless speculation. The main reason US property market blew up was because the Federal Reserve (central bank) cut interest to record low at 1% to stimulate US economy from recession in 2003. The Bush administration was campaigning home ownership for all Americans through the government linked mortgager- Fannie Mae and Fredic Mac. Thirdly, the Federal Reserve had set a precedent in saving failed financial institution in 1997- saving Long Term Capital from bankruptcy. This had created moral hazard in wall street.
So, what had happened? interest rate down to 1% made money is easy to be borrowed. Government linked mortgagers Fannie Mae Fredic Mac wanted to increase their profits, they started to lowering their loan standards and lending to subprime market (people with lousy credit) and later sold the loans to other financial institutions. Because these two intuitions were government linked, no people would care the soundness of these two FI because anything went wrong the government would come to the rescue (moral hazard).
ReplyDeleteIf the Federal Reserve did not artificially lowered the interest rate compared to the market rate and also created all the moral hazard, all these speculation will be impossible because fearful of loss will control human greedy behavior. And why all asset prices go up at the same time? It is due to the expansionary monetary and fiscal policies adopted by US government indirectly devalue the US dollar. And expansionary monetary and fiscal policies in stimulate the economy from recession is from Keynesian economic theory, it has nothing to do with Capitalism (Keynes didn't believe in free market).
To your point 2. Yes, you are right. Economy couldn't be separated from politics at the present day. However, it is for the people to decide how intrusive the government they want. If the people want a big government that taking care on everybody- provides a lot of public goods and services, give subsides, create layers of regulations, create huge social security (like EPF) safety net and many more. You will expect the consequences such as inflation, high taxation, huge government debt, inefficiencies in government operation and etc.
ReplyDeleteThe current problem we have is originated from the government because it has distorted (artificially manipulating interest rates, moral hazard created, government intervention fiscal policies) the market to function normally. Adding another layer of regulation and government control will not solve the problem but grow the government bigger. Then you will expect the same result with higher inflation, taxation, government debt, inefficiencies in government operation and etc.
Bush once said Wallstreet got drunk. Yes, he was right, Wallstreet got drunk. But the issue is, who liquored them out in the first place? So, at the end of the day, you can say the current crisis we have is because of socialism, cronies capitalism, fascism and other name. But you can't name it is because of capitalism because we haven't even try capitalism. :)
ReplyDeletePS: I will comment on your suggestion when I have some time. :)
TW: 谢谢你为我的部落格写了那么长的评语,现回应如下:
2。我的文章主要探讨平衡经济发展与社会公正,解决眼下的社会不公问题。 你则一直在强调资本主义的效率,却没有提出解决问题的方法。打个比方,我谈的是怎样制造一部行驶安稳、安全可靠的车子,你谈的只是怎样制造一部跑得快的车子。资本积累是资本主义的主要内容,如果没有受到限制,只会造成贫者愈贫富者愈富的局面,像今天世界上的普遍现象那样。
5。你说恐惧可以制约人们的贪念。事实上,两者不会同时存在,贪念会一直膨胀,直至恐惧出现为止,所以才会有繁荣与萧条交替的怪圈。投资大师巴菲特有一句名言就从侧面佐证了我的说法:“Be fearful when others are greedy and greedy when others are fearful”。
ReplyDeletehaha, this is getting more intersting. :)
before I get back to you, is it possible for you the list down what the social injustices that you have in mind?
TW, 那你就慢慢想清楚才回应,没有必要在这里预告这个、预告那个,请尊重版主和其他人,不要太自我膨胀。至于社会不公,你去搜索一下便知,别告诉我你不会用google。如果你真心要讨论问题,态度请认真一点儿。
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, I would like to apologize if I have mentioned anything inappropriate in your blog.
My view is as below:
True Capitalism vs Cronies Capitalism
It is my view that capitalism cannot be equalized to cronies capitalism because two system function in different way (although cronies capitalism contains the word capitalism). In true capitalism, the free market function which companies have to compete with each other in price, products, labor and etc. If the company makes a good investment- produce goods that customers wants, the company gains profits. If the company fails to do that, it may goes bankrupt. Bankruptcy is a normal phenomenon in true capitalism. However, in cronies capitalism, the free market could not work because there is no fair competition in the market. Cronies capitalism arises when government has a huge control in planning the economy such as creating government link or sponsored private corporation (GLC). These type of GLCs usually monopoly the market and prevent other competitors to come in due to favoritism from the government. Due to lacking of competition, these GLCs usually become inefficient and do not perform. In true capitalism, these type of companies already collapse. Like Proton, if not because of the country policy that is shielding it from competition, Proton is already in the history book.
In short, true capitalism means private profit and private losses whereas cronies capitalism means private profit but socialize losses. So, cronies capitalism can even be renamed to cronies socialism.
The boom-bust cycle.
ReplyDeleteIt is my view that the boom-bust cycle is a nature phenomenon. Each industry has good times and bad times. However, if we look at a country economy as a whole, not all industries will have good times and bad times together. Similarly, not all countries will enjoy economic growth at the same time. But what has gone wrong in the world economy is that countries in Asia, Europe and America continent can grow almost the same pace together- boom together and bust together. And worse thing is the boom-bust cycle become much shorter. Why is that so? I believe that this happen is because the boom-bust cycle the world is having now is induced by irresponsible credit expansion by the governments. The fiat monetary system the world is using now allows the governments to print money out from thin air(debt monetizing) and the artificially interest rate manipulation by the central bank.
In a free market and sound money environment, lending interest rates will be determined by the amount of deposits the people save in the bank. Interest rate will increase when the borrower is more than the saver and vice versa. When the interest rate becomes higher, not all companies will want to borrow in high interest rate to increase their production because this business expansion will be not be profitable. Government also could not perpetually run huge budget deficit because there will be no person would lend to the government.
Hence, the boom we had was credit expansionary boom- too much expansionary monetary and fiscal policies by the government. For example, imagine the boom is an artificial high when a person drink a lot of alcohol. In order to have a clear mind again, the person has to vomit out the excessive alcohol in his body. We could not recover the person to a clear-state of mind by making him to drink more alcohol. Right now the free market forces is trying to contract the money supply in the system, which you will see rising in interest rates and collapsing of uncompetitive companies. Rather than letting the free market to correct, the government is doing everything the Keynesian suggested- more stimulus packages regardless of how huge the government debt is, lower the interest rates to stimulate the demand regardless how indebt the society is. And with all the existing government social security program in place, the free market does not even have the chance to clear out the malinvestment once and for all and the day of reckoning is being postponed. That's the reason why the boom-bust cycle become shorter because we are not solving the real problem but rather postponing it.
The increase in Poor-Rich gap and Inflation
ReplyDeleteMy view on the increase in the poor and rich gap is because of inflation. In an inflationary economy, everyone is worse off, that's includes the rich, the middle class and the poor. The only difference is the person who suffers the most is the poor.
I would like to point out that it is not rising prices that cause inflation but rather the rising prices is the side effect of inflation. The root cause of inflation is because of the government and central bank simply increase the money supply without control through its expansionary monetary and expansionary economic policies. Almost all the governments are manipulating its currencies and flooding the system with cheap credits and causing inflation in all asset classes, services and goods.
Government is the problem
ReplyDeleteHence, I would like to point out that all the problems that we are having now- inflation, speculation, cronies capitalism, corruption, increase in poor and rich income inequality and etc is because of the government. Personally I do not think that we can solve these problem by increase taxation on the rich, increase taxation on luxurious goods, increase public goods and service and subsidies, increase social security expenditure by the governments and etc. Reason being is that the root cause of the problem we have now is the government. For example, the Malaysia government is already in gorilla size. If we demand the government to provide more public goods and services, we will easily turn the gorilla size government into a Godzilla size monster. That time we will see more inflation, more cronies capitalism, corruption and increase in income inequality between the rich and poor.
Personal Note: I feel that the people should not occupy the Wallstreet. In fact, they should occupy the White House and the Federal Reserve because both institutions are the main culprits.
ReplyDeleteLastly, I would like to thank you for your past constructive and challenging comments which help me to rethink my position carefully. Thank you.
(link from Government is the problem)
ReplyDeletePersonally, I also do not think the suggestion on suggesting the above policies to be adopted internationally because it is politically impossible to succeed due to every countries have their own economy objectives.
The Solutions
ReplyDeleteMy suggestion on solving the problems (for Malaysia) will be- limited government, true capitalism, and restore the independency of the legal system and the constitutions.
We should limit the power of the government such as government should only be allowed to provides securities such as policemen, firemen and national defense. Government should be forbidden to create any government link or sponsored companies. Government should abolish any form of subsidies, entitlements and keep the law and regulations on businesses to the minimum. A fixed debt limit (cannot be changed whatsoever) should be imposed to prevent the government to borrow perpetually (I agree with you on this suggestion), stop the central bank to artificially to manipulate the interest rates. By doing these, we can keep the government small to reduce the government expenditures and reduce government intervention in the free market. Then we can reduce personal income taxes. In fact, I am more in favor in abolishing personal income taxes and replace by other taxes such as consumption taxes (GST). The reason being is that I do not think it is morally correct to tax people in the fruit of their labor, regardless the person is poor, middle class or rich. I am not sure whether you are in the 1% of the 99%. If you are in the 99%, I would rather you can pay zero income tax so that you can save and invest the money for your retirement. If you are the 1%, I do not think it is right too to tax you with higher taxation. I would prefer to leave the money with you so that you can save the money in bank so that the bank has genuine savings to lend to viable business or invest in business which will resulted in more hiring or produce product that the society wants. If people want to help the poor, they should do it on the society level, which means donate to private charities to maximize the donations channeled to the poor. We should not ask the government to tax the rich more to help the poor because most of the donations will be squandered away by the bureaucrats.
By limiting the government and prevent it to create GLCs, this will reduce the cronies capitalism and prevent private corporation to lobby the government because this small government will have no benefits to give. With a more equal playing ground, companies are allowed to earn a profit by competing with each other to offer products and services that is value for money. Ultimately the consumers will benefit from this business competition. With a smaller government, we can also reduce company taxes. Companies can keep most of it profits and use it to fund its future business expansion. This will help to increase employment or produces goods and services the society wants. If not, the extra cash can be distribute to its shareholders and employees through dividends and bonuses to increase their wealth.
ReplyDeleteFinally, I think people should understand that it is impossible to ask the government to take care of everybody in everything by offering various kind of social security program. Firstly it is costly running by government (layer of bureaucrats which discourage efficiency). Secondly, a lot of social programs are created with a good intention but end up having a lot of unintended consequences such as the EPF system. The EPF system is created to encourage people the save for their retirement and reduce government burden in helping the aging populations. However, this system end up becoming the low cost ATM machine for the government to borrow more to run its unsustainable expenditures and bailing out the failing cronies companies. The more the people demand from the government the much easier for the government to turn into a tyrannical state.
So, what I think the people should demand from the government are:
i) To stay out from the market because government only know how to make economic mistakes.
ii) Restore the independency of the court system and constitution to ensure our basic human rights such as freedom of speech and ensure personal liberty.
TW, 感谢你很用心地回应,很抱歉这么迟才答复。之前可能有点误会,过去的就算了吧!
你说“the increase in the poor and rich gap is because of inflation. In an inflationary economy, everyone is worse off, that's includes the rich, the middle class and the poor. The only difference is the person who suffers the most is the poor.”这句话有点矛盾。通货膨胀就是资产、商品与服务价格总水平相对于通货的上涨,资产阶级掌握资产、商品与服务,其相对财富只涨不跌,无产阶级就刚好相反。举个例子,与通货膨胀相反的是通货紧缩。每当经济下滑或萧条,资本主义世界总是会提起通货紧缩的忧虑,因为它使资本家失去定价能力,影响财富积累;这从反面证明通货膨胀对资本家有利。你说“it is not rising prices that cause inflation but rather the rising prices is the side effect of inflation”,这句话不合逻辑。
你说“If people want to help the poor, they should do it on the society level, which means donate to private charities to maximize the donations channeled to the poor.” 你忽略了人的尊严,而且授人以鱼不如授人以渔。不过,你说的这种思路倒很常见,国阵和朋党就是这么做的。最近就有10多个资本家通过收购“大马彩”,成立“公益基金”资助非主流教育。也有树桐商一方面大搞官商勾结破坏环境,另一方面大办“慈善”,甚至用公众的善款往自己脸上贴金。一个公正的社会,并不需要有太多慈善事业。